This mode allows to review and analyse EEG, MEG, EMG, EKG signals as well as ICA and CSP components. It is the preferred way to handle continuous data. They can be filtered (either in the time domain or in the spatial domain), while maps (including spectral and statistical) can be computed and visualized with different interpolation rules. Spectral analysis allows also to compare data (e.g. open eyes vs. closed eyes conditions) because statistical tests can be easily performed. Events (markers, selections, triggers) can be edited, manually or automatically inserted, and used to select the data to be processed.
The main features of the NPX Lab EEG viewer are (check your NPXLab Suite Edition to see if it is included):
- Traces View: it is the preferred view to review signals, filter them (either in the time domain or in the spatial domain)and manage events (edit, delete, add, etc...). Fast measures are also accessible through the dedicate "Traces" menu.
- Potential Maps View: allows to compute and visualize 2-D and 3-D instantaneous and mean potential maps on cephalic data.
- Spectral Maps View: allows to compute and visualize 2-D and 3-D spectral maps on cephalic data.
- Spectrum View: allows to compute and compare spectra computed on the signals under different conditions (e.g. open eyes vs. closed eyes ) by means of a statistical test.
- Events Manager: events can be sorted according to different criteria with just one mouse click, renamed, deleted, filtered, created, exported (Ascii, Cartool, native NPX, Brain Vision Analyzer, etc.), imported, etc… Double clicking to an event in the list also aligns the EEG trace to the corresponding event, so that it can be visible.
- Events Calculator: there are several modalities for creating events from already existing ones. These modalities allow to split states, to move (in time) events, to number it, to generate random events, to convert spot into states and vice-versa, to perform logical (Boolean) operations and so on.
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