Events Manager Form

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This form allows you to review, list, sort, edit, rename, delete and create new events. It is also possible to export and import them. When in EEG mode, double clicking to an event in the list also aligns the EEG trace to the corresponding event, so that it can be visible.

This form is divided into four main parts:

  1. The Event Instances panel, which contains single events attributes.
  2. The Events Types panel, which allows to filter the events to be displayed.
  3. The Events Instances buttons, which allow to “navigate” across events.
  4. The Edit buttons, which allow to perform simple operation on single or groups of events.

The Event Instances panel.

It contains all the relevant information relative to each single event instance displayed. Only those events types selected from the “Event Types” list are displayed here. For each event the following information is shown:

  1. Abs Ind: the absolute event index in the list, sorted according to the event begin time;
  2. Event Type: the event type name;
  3. Rel Ind: the relative event index in the list of its type. In the previous figure the selected event, “Artifact” is the 61st event (Abs Ind) in the list and the 12th (Rel Ind) occurrence of events of type “Artifact”.
  4. From: the begin time (hh:mm:ss.msec) of the event.
  5. Duration: the duration of the event. For events of class SPOT it is always 00:00:00.000
  6. To: the end time of the event
  7. Diff. Prev.: is the time difference from the onset of the event listed and the previous one.

By clicking on each column of this list the events are sorted accordingly.

In the top left part of this area it is possible to select if time should be displayed as elapsed time from recording start or as time of the day. But as some file formats do not store the information relative to the starting recording time selecting this option might produce no effect.

Finally, in the top right part of this area the number of event in the list and the number of events in the file are reported. These two numbers could be different because it is possible to exclude from the list some event types to allow a flexible reviewing of the event: one is usually interested in reviewing just a subset of events. The event type filtering facility is commanded from the Event Types panel.

The  Event Types panel

From this panel you can select the events to be shown in the previously described Events Instances list. By selecting the two checkboxes in the Class Filter group it is possible to select which events classes (States, Spots) have to be considered. All the events of the selected classes are listed in the Event Types list and if their checkboxes are selected they are included in the Events Instances list. For each event type the class, the number of occurrences in the file (Count) and the cumulative duration expressed in seconds (Sec.) are reported.

The Events Instances buttons

The first three buttons allow to navigate across events: “Prev. Event” move the cursor to the previous event of the same type, “Next Event” to the next one and “Go” cause the form to be closed and move the trace to the corresponding event. The other two buttons (“Export List…”, “Import List…”) allow to export the events in the Event Instances list according to many different formats (Ascii, Cartool, Brain Vision Analyzer, Custom, EEG Lab and native NPX) and to import them from an external file (Ascii, NPX native).

The Edit buttons

There are seven buttons which allow to perform the following operations for modifying events:

  1. Edit Singe Event…”: allows to change the type of an event.
  2. Copy Events…”: allows to copy the events selected in the Events Instances list into other types.
  3. Compact Events…”: allows to merge two or more event instances of the same type if they are overlapped. This might occur if one generates manually or automatically some events (see next paragraphs).
  4. Remove Selected…”: allows to permanently remove event instances of the events that are selected in the Events Instances list.
  5. Remove by Type…”: allows to permanently remove all the event instances of a user selectable type.
  6. Remove by Criteria…”: allows to permanently remove all the events according to the following criteria (when applicable):
    1. Events occurring outside the recording interval (this might occur when some cuts on the recorded traces are done);
    2. Events inside recording pauses;
    3. Duplicated Events;
  7. Events Calculator…”: allows to invoke the powerful Events Calculator (described in the next paragraphs)

All these editing operations are performed in memory, and are stored into the file when the file is saved (e.g. when a file is closed it is prompted to save changes). So, if by mistake some events are accidentally deleted, it is sufficient to close the file without saving changes and reopen it.

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