The NPX Lab Suite, formed by:
- NPX Lab, which is a set of software tools for the analysis, editing and reviewing of EEG, MEG, ERP, EMG, etc... data;
- several additional utilities such as:
- File Converter: to convert data files in/from NPXLab format. To gain all the features of the NPX Lab Suite data should be in NPX Lab format.
- File Appender: to concatenate many files in a unique one.
- Independent Component Analysis (ICA): to compute the ICA weights matrix on the EEG data. Such matrix is stored into a NPX file for reviewing/enabling/disabling sources.
- Common Spatial Patterns (CSP): to compute the CSP weights matrix on the EEG data. Such matrix is stored into a NPX file for reviewing/enabling/disabling sources.
- ERP Statistics: to compare ERP data from two different populations of subjects through a t-test.
- EEG-fMRI: to remove artifacts (Pulse Sequence and Ballistocardiographic Artifact) from EEG data acquired simultaneously with fMRI.
- Map From Data: to plot any kind of data on a head map.
- NPX File Info: provides useful Information relative to NPX files
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