NPX Lab Events

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The NPX Lab Suite 2012 was built to automate several operations, mostly oriented to data analysis. For example one may want to perform a spectral analysis on some data acquired when a subject was performing a mental task (e.g. a motor imagery, a computation, etc..) while discarding those data contaminated by artifacts. To do this you need to instruct NPX Lab regarding the portions of data to be included and/or excluded from the processing. These data segments are identified by “events”. Events are time intervals characterized by an onset time, a duration and by a type. The handling of the events in the NPX Lab Suite 2012 is very powerful and accurate, probably the most advanced among similar tools: you will find several modern and efficient ways to create and modify events which are unavailable even in commercial software.

Each event instance belongs to a type. An event type is characterized by a label (e.g. “Artifact”) and a class. Actually, the NPX framework supports two predefined classes of event types: States (which are events with a duration larger than 1 sample) and Spots (or Triggers), which are instantaneous events with a 0ms duration. In future releases of the NPXLab Suite other classes could be allowed. Typical examples of States are “Artifacts”, “Eyes closed”, “Mental Computation”, etc.. whereas examples of Spots are “Stimulus trigger”, “Flash”, “Fixation point appear”, “Fixation point disappear”, etc…

All the events are stored into a NPX File and can be visualized through the “Events Manager Form” which can be easily accessed by the various tools of the Suite.

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