The Processors form allows you to edit/visualize/modify the processing chain of the signals:
All the available processors are included in the lists, and are listed according to the processing order: ICA, IIR Filter, etc... in the figure. If the checkbutton is checked they are activated, otherwise they are bypassed and they have no effect on the signal. In the same figure the "ICA", the "IIR Filter" and the "Small Laplacian Spatial Filter" are enabled and might affect the signals.
The processing order is the one displayed in the list (ICA precedes IIR Filter which precedes Small Laplacian Filtering), and can be modified by pressing the "Move Up" and "Move Down" buttons. Each of the Processors parameters can be adjusted by selecting in the list and pressing the "Edit..." button or double clicking with the left button of the mouse on it. This will open a new form which allows to set the desired processors' parameters.
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