This Toy can be used to generate Extended Confusion Matrices (ECM) from real or simulated data. A confusion matrix describes the behaviour of a classifier. It is characterized by the classified (actual) logical symbol on the rows and the asked (desired) one on the columns. In the ideal case the ECM should be diagonal.
To create a confusion matrix you need to load a logical alphabet: this will determine also the size of the confusion matrix. Then you have two options: you can create an ECM by hand, from your experimental data, or you can create an ECM automatically according to some error distribution rules. In both cases you have to load a Logical Alphabet: this will set the size of your ECM.
Manual ECM creation
Once the Logical Alphabet has been loaded, press the "ECM Manual Editor..." button, and type the desired values in the matrix. Press the OK button to return to the main form.
Automatic ECM creation
Once the Logical Alphabet has been loaded, you have to set the percentage of errors and abstensions and the number of trials ("Setup..." button).
Before generating the ECM, you might want to check the "Adjust Trail Numbers" flag. This is necessary if you want to have exactly the defined error and abstentions rates: if you select for example 33% of error rate and 80 trials, you obtain that the number of wrong classifications is 26.4, which is not an integer number. So, this flag forces this Toy to adjust the number of trials so that the number of wrong classifications is an integer number while keeping the error rate to the exact desired value. The same considerations apply to the abstentions. Then, you have to select the how the errors and abstentions are distributed over the matrix: the listbox indicates 8 different options. Now you are ready to create a simulated ECM: press the "Generate" button (or double click on the desired listbox item), and the ECM will be generated. You can edit by hand it by pressing the "ECM Manual Editor..." button.
The "ECM View/Metrics..." will activate the ECM Inspector, which provides useful information regarding metrics (e.g. Accuracy, ITR, Efficiency, etc...) and error distribution.
The "ECM Save..." button, allows you to store the ECM into a file, which can be reloaded again from several other BF++ Toys.
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