
braINterface Team

Luigi Bianchi, PhD

Luigi Bianchi's smiling face

Ass. Professor

Tor Vergata University of Rome, Italy

He is author of more than 100 peer reviewed scientific publications (more than 3000 citations) and he is in the editorial board of several scientific journals. His h-index is 28 (Source: Google Scholar, October 2015). In 2002 he was awarded at the II° Brain Computer Interface Workshop (Albany, NY).
His main interests are real-time and offline signal processing, Brain-Computer Interfaces, Human-Computer Interaction and assistive technologies and released many free tools which can be downloaded from his web site:

 Lucia Rita Quitadamo

Lucia's smiling face

EU Pierre & Marie Curie fellowship 

Aston University, Birmingham, UK


 Manuel Abbafati