Version (05/02/2025) 64 bit
FIXED: Most of you needed two additional DLLs, which have now been added to this new setup (1077a).
New: Updated 64 bit compiler, which means faster processing in several parts
New: Artifact Inserter: added two pass automatic artifact insertion
New: Rewritten internal pipeline processing
New: Rewritten Event Related processing, resulting in dramatic speed improvement
New: Rewritten Spectral Analysis processing, resulting in dramatic speed improvement
New: Many minor improvements to the user interface
Fix: Added Link to new Facebook support page
Fix: Fixed several minor bugs
Improved: Huge amount of improvements and optimizations

Version (08/01/2024) 32 bit
Fix: Fixed a bug while creating new Montages in certain circumstances
Fix: Some menu items were not correctly shown
Improved: Several improvements and optimizations