- Added new measures in ERP
- Added new modalities to create events in the events calculator form
- Added support to Microsoft WAV file formats (read and write)
- Added support to BIOSEMI BDF file format (read)
- Added support to g.tec HDF file format (read)
- Added new ways of inserting events
- Better EBNeuro file managing
- Better documentation (but still partial)
- ERP trace view improved (minor enhancements)
- EDF File format fix (rounding errors in computing sampling rate).
- Events Manager fix: looking for the “next event of a type” could result in finding the last one.
- Minor fixes
- NPXLab help file project started.
- Migration to OWLNext and Microsoft compiler started
- Added the integration with the EBNeuro database (commercial build)
- Added software protection for special commercial builds (does not affect the freeware version)
- Added Statistical tests in Confusion Matrix evaluation tools
- The Extended Confusion Matrix Generator BF++ Toy has been improved in its usability.
- Now uses OWLNext version 6.30.10
- Now uses libSVM 3.10
- Improved support to EBNeuro Galileo.NET platform
- The NPXLab tool can be launched from the EBNeuro Database
- Added software protection for special builds (does not affect the freeware version)
- Several minor improvements
- Several minor tweaks
- The ICAFront End application did not started correctly
- Some of the BF++ Toys did not started correctly (crashed on startup)
- Added Channel Matrix View in ERP view
- Added recursive filters
- Added new options into the Automatic Artifact State Inserter Form
- Added new menu items to the Trace View Menu (various events inserters…)
- Added Iso Curves contours in 2-D Maps
Added support to EBNeuro .NET files
- Added P3Classifier: new classifiers could be added as plugins
- Added SWLDA classifier for Brain Computer Interfaces
- Added Compressed Spectral Array View in Spectral View
- Now it is possible to set the line style and thickness of ERP
- Added Alphabet Builder (BF++ Toys)
- Added ability to create Encodings “by hand” (BF++ Toys)
- Added ability to create Extended Confusion Matrices “by hand” (BF++ Toys)
- Improved quality of trace printout
- Improved Setup procedure
- Improved compatibility with EBNeuro GNT files
Now uses OWLNext version 6.30.9
- Improved the Montage Dialog Box usability
- Several minor improvements
- Reduced unnecessary repaints in spectral maps (now it is faster)
- Improved localization
- Fixed bug with EBNeuro GNT file import: recording pauses were not correctly handled
- Fixed bug with Brain Vision (BVA) file import: events on some files were converted with low resolution
- Fixed bug in Custom Event Export Form: the add/remove header checkbox status was ignored
- Fixed few bugs in Montage Export and Select Dialogs
- Fixed bug with ERP amplitude values
- Several minor tweaks
- Added Fiducial Point information in NPX file and internally
- Added support to Micromed Files
- Now Threshold Spot Inserter can look for max (min) value within a time interval whose values exceeds the threshold.
- Added support to FFFTW in spectral analysis: if libfftw3-*.dll is present then it is used otherwise internal routines are used. FFFTW is faster, so its use is recommended if long spectral analyses are performed.
- Now uses OWLNext version 6.30.4
- Improved support to BCI 2000 files (now automatically converts triggers into events)
- Improved speed in ICA Editor Processor
- Upgraded libSVM to version 2.90 in classifiers
- Settings in event export form are now saved (no more need to set all of them each time)
- Improved speed in Events ListView (this Windows control is really slow!)
- Fixed minor visualization bugs in spectral analysis: on rare situations spectra were not plotted.
- Fixed minor bug in P3 Classifier (labels not properly displayed)
- Fixed bug with EDF file import (it was broken since some minor revisions L)
- Fixed bug in Threshold Spot Event Inserter (random crashes on repainting the traces)
- Fixed bug in Artifact State Event Inserter (random crashes on repainting the traces)
- Added support to Brain Vision Data (read and write)
- Added support to BCI2000 Data (read only, experimental)
- Added several classifiers
- Added export into EDF format for ARP data
- Spectra can now be computed directly by Spot events (added segmentation capabilities);
- Improved EDF read and write support (still does not correctly handle datablocks larger than 61140 bytes: it allows this but it should not)
- As a new classification module will be added to the NPX distribution, with the ability of loading and developing new classifiers (ANN, SVM, KNN, SWLDA, RLDA, etc…), it was temporarily removed from this release. If you dare not using any BCI features this has no impact on your system
- Added “Combination Mode” to ERP – BCI Classifier: it is possible to use all combinations of sensors
- Added support to EBNeuro files even if Galileo is not installed
- Added support to Galileo GNT files under Windows Vista
- Many improvements in BCI/P300 analysis module
- Results from multiple classifiers can be stored simultaneously. This is very useful in post-processing: it possible to compare classifiers on the same data sets, even if randomization is provided
- New Abstentions criteria introduced.
- Added preliminary Tutorial on ERP modality
- Added support to Brain Vision Data Exchange Marker File, version 1 (export only)
- Improved overall speed in File Loading.
- SVM engine (libSVM) updated: now uses version 2.88 (it was 2.86).
- Different drivers can now be used for the same file format.
- Improved the usability of the GUI. This was done to move to a release version.
- Some Forms were not showed properly.
- Fixed BUG with events calculator
- Added Native support to CTF MEG Files.
- Added 2-D maps computation capability to CTF MEG files.
- Added ability to process an unlimited number of classifiers simultaneously in ERP based BCI protocols
- Added support to Neuroscan EEG files (very preliminary alpha)
- Added support to CTF MEG, Neuroscan, GDF, EDF File formats to ErpBuilder
- Added support to CTF MEG, Neuroscan, GDF, EDF File formats to FileMerger
- Added support to CTF MEG, Neuroscan, GDF, EDF File formats to FileAppender
- Added support to CTF MEG, Neuroscan, GDF, EDF File formats to ICAFrontEnd
- Added support to CTF MEG, Neuroscan, GDF, EDF File formats to ErpOptimizer
- Added ability of using many classifiers simultaneously in BCI/ERP related protocols
- Added Getting Started Guide to installation procedure
- Major improvements to MEG files support (now supports epochs)
- Modified the Custom Event Export Form with new options available (e.g. resampling)
- Upgraded to OWLNext 6.20.9 library
- Improved overall speed in Average Computation in ERP Module
- Improved overall speed in Traces Navigation in EEG Module
- Improved Template Matching procedure Usability
- Fixed BUG with web site link (was pointing to the old http:\\www.luigibianchi.com)
- Fixed BUG in the computation of median inter-events intervals identified with the Template Matching procedure.
- Fixed BUG fix NPX File while exporting MEG sensors (it was considered as Unknown type)
- Add ability to export weights/training data
- Added Support Vector Machines in ERP/BCI module
- Added very preliminary support to MEG files
- Fixed a problem with BCI/ERP protocols and Alphabets with symbols of strings
- Fixed BUG in Spectral View
- Added ability of exporting ERP data with some options
- Improved encapsulation in Logical and Semantic (Alphabets, Symbols, etc…) classes. Now more BUGS are discovered at compile time.
- ERP Single mode: improved computation of Averages when single trials were added/removed or moved in time.
- Montage Dialog and non EEG channels: it was impossible to select some virtual sensors
- File Appender has a rare BUG
- ERP Single Mode: there were many problems with the visualization.
- Added ability of exporting ICA sources
- Fixed BUG with Montage Dialog and non EEG channels: it was impossible to select some virtual sensors
- Fixed BUG with File Appender
- Added support to Global Data Format GDF file formats (very preliminary alpha, read only).
- Added support to EBNEuro GNT file formats.
- GUIFileConverter: it is now possible to export data into EDF (very preliminary alpha!)
- GUIFileConverter: it is possible to use the processors (actually filters and ICA)! One can for example perform ICA with ICAFrontEnd and then export the data after removing some sources (e.g. Ocular Artifacts, etc…)!
- Added SWLDA (Stepwise linear discriminant analysis) in ERP for BCI protocols.
- Added ability to export ERP data into Matlab
- Beginning of integration of BCI stuff (ERP)
- Class BF::Encoder now supports alphabets of types different from char (e.g. strings)
- Class BF::Encoder now completely templatized on Logical and Semantic symbols!!!!
- BF::ControlInterface sources and BF++ Toys can now be requested as technical preview. They’ll be released with the new major release.
- Many many small improvements
- Improved export of events in EEGLab format
- Fixed bug in partial artifact removal ERP option
- Fixed few small bugs
- Fixed minor bug with FileAppender
- ICA is promoted from alpha to beta, even if debugging is required.
- Added more ICA options to ERP and EEG viewers.
- Added Channels selection options in ICAFrontEnd
- Added Version Info in AboutBox
- Optimized ChnType structure and updated file drivers accordingly
- Improved ICAFrontEnd compatibility with Windows Vista
- Added ICA support to ERP and EEG viewers: it is now possible to switch on/off sources.
- Fixed bug with SpectraType mode: data were always showing Amplitude even if Power selected.
- Fixed bug with GUIFileConverter (unable to downsample files that have been cut by hand).
- Fixed bug with FileMerger (files were not correctly generated anymore). (NPXFile)
- Fixed but with template matching (it was rarely unable to compute the correlation)
- Fixed bug in Spectra and t-test : it was possible to perform t-test even if a population size was 1 (the p value was 1).
- Fixed bug in Spectra and t-test (random crashes when t-test active and montage change)
- Fixed bug in Spectra Save routine.
- Fixed bug with pauses at the beginning of the file AND spectra analysis: pauses can cause a negative sample index….
- Fixed bug with CopyToClipboard routines.
- Fixed minor problem with BF++ Toys and Initial directory
- Interactive mode in Template Matching event inserter (
- ICAFrontEnd now saves NPX files with ICA sources. This makes BuildActivations useless so that it will be no more installed.
- NPX Files can hold ICA weights (written by ICAFrontEnd).
- Added ability to generate ICA file (ICAFrontEnd).
- Added SmallLaplacian spatial filter
- Added Spatial Filter Viewer
- Added new facilities to import and export of events
- New facilities in Spectral Analysis
- ICAFrontEnd is now more flexible: it supports different input file types and modes.
- Updated internally SpatialFilter to allow switching off of ICA sources.
- Improved data abstraction type in file read routines.
- Improved ASCII file import.
- Added support to SR which are not a 2n into GUIFileConverter
- Added support to SR which are not a 2n into Spectral Analysis
- New graphical options available in Spectral Analysis Windows
- SpatialFilter generic editor
- ICASpatialFilter object
- ICASpatialFilter editor
- Computation and storage of ICA inverse weights matrix
- Rewrite MeasView::CopyToClipboard();
- Add Filter Settings ERP to Macro
- Add support to SR which are not a power of 2 into spectral analysis tools
- Spectral Analysis is quite unstable. This is a major issue that will be fixed in the next beta release.
- Added Raw mode to NPX File: no header is added to the data, just samples
- Added ICAFrontEnd, a GUI front end for Independent Component Analysis (very preliminary alpha)
- Added BuildActivations: a simple software that computes ICA activations from weights and EEG data. (very preliminary alpha)
- Added LiveBoard BF++ Toy, to test and demonstrate the use on BFControlInterface
- Improved Event Inserter By Threshold in NPXLab. Now it is possible to use only positive or negative values.
- Added scaling mode (re-gain) to GUIFileConverter: it is now possible to multiply all the samples by a fixed value.
- Added several reviewing options to Spectrum View.
- Added BCI related utilities to the Spectral analysis engine (very preliminary alpha).
- Support for Vista
- Fixed BUG when exporting multiple events selections in GUIFileConverter
- Fixed BUG in WinGUI.dll with Event Inserter By Threshold in NPXLab (maximum threshold value was 3276 uV instead of 32776).
- Fixed BUG with EDF file conversion (size limited to 1000 seconds).
- Fixed BUG in NPX Lab when loading files with very long file name (build 79).
- Several improvements to BF++ classes (Control Interface side)
- Many improvements in the usability of the Events Inserters (WinGUI.dll)
- Several major improvements to the TemplateRemoval tool
- Many internal changes to the Spectral engine
- Improvements in NPXLab localization
- Added Head View in ERPs (with Statistics, scale settings)
- Added Event export in various formats (Custom, EEG Lab….)
- Added Map Settings Options in ERP Cartoon Maps. You can set:
- the electrodes to use;
- the interpolation algorithm (linear, quadratic, cubic)
- the number of electrodes to use for NN interpolation
- Added Spatial Filtering (VERY VERY PRELIMINARY PRE_ALPHA!). You are invited to make suggestions in this area.
- Added RandomOptimizerToy: this toy, from a Confusion Matrix and a semantic alphabet, generates randomly fixed length encodings and finds out the most efficient one.
- Improved Spectral Maps
- Optimized usage of GDI resources
- Updated to OWLNext v. 620 official
- Changed name of xml routines dll from xmlutils.dll to xmlbcb6.dll to avoid collision with different compilers
- Fixed BUG while opening a second file in GUIFileConverter (it seems to be a very old BUG)!
- Fixed BUG in ERP Cartoon mode (map ranges should sometimes be inserted twice)
- Fixed BUG in Spot 2 State events creation : Manually Inserted Events were not sorted so that Spot to State conversion failed to properly align “begins” with corresponding “ends”.
- Fixed BUG with FileConverter with EBNeuro files with pauses (converted files resulted shorter).
- Fixed BUG in Event Search Form: after copying a group of signals the Event Type ListView was not updated if a new Event Type was created.
- Added column sorting in Event Calculator form
- Multiple Event Selection in Event Calculator Form (MANUEL request)
- Events named ‘.’ caused driver crash. BUG?
- BUG: Navigator sometimes disappears!
- Minor Internal updating of measures engine
- Added sensitivity in Average printout
- Updated VersionInfo: SETUP Program now reflects the version of the NPXLab .exe
- Added more info in Average Printout:
- Color Info: Average info below traces added in color according to traces color
- P-value threshold added if t-test enabled
- EEG File Name
- Subject Name
- Difference indicated if enabled
- More info in Average Printout:
- Filter settings: hard to be displayed as they are set for a sensors, not for channels
- If in difference mode measures should show differences values and not MainAvg
- Add in ERP MACRO the possibility to select trials according to simple Boolean operations (OR and AND) in order to speed-up the creation of new macro (e.g. Manuel)
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